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Extracted Data Key

Title the title of the article
Authors the authors of the article
Year the year the article was published or submitted (for non-peer-reviewed papers)
Calibration Technique calibration technique used to develop and test model
 personalizationsubjects used to develop model are included in testing. only first datapoints of each subject are used to initialize developed model for testing.
 subject splitsubjects used to develop model are not included in testing
Evaluation Metric performance metric of the reported result
 MEstudy reported bias±standard deviation
 MAEstudy reported mean absolute error
Reported Result the claimed MAE/ME result from the article in mmHg
Sensor Data data used for BP estimtion
 PPGdevice used photoplethysmography
 contact pressuredevice required contact applying pressure
 multi-wavelength PPGdevice used multiple wavelengths for photoplethysmography
 tonometerdevice used tonometer to record arterial BP waveform
 ECGdevice used electrocardiography
 biometricsdevice used biometric information (i.e. age, height, gender)
 pressure sensordevice used pressure or force sensor
 ICGdevice used impedance cardiography
 IPGdevice used impedance plethysmography
 ultrasounddevice used ultrasound
 PCGdevice used phonocardiography
 SCGdevice used seismocardiography
 accelerometerdevice used accelerometer to detect motion
 BCGdevice used ballistocardiography
Dataset dataset used for BP estimtion
 Internaldataset is not available to the public
 MIMICMIMIC Waveform Database from Johnson et al., 2020. can also be MIMIC-I, II, III, or later versions. can also be a subset of the whole dataset
 PPG-BPPPG-BP dataset from Liang et al., 2018
 EVAL Stress TestNon-invasive Blood Pressure Estimation from Esmaili et al., 2017
 UoQUniversity of Queensland Vital Signs Dataset from Liu et al., 2012
 CHARISCHARIS dataset from physionet
 VitalDBVitalDB dataset from Lee et al., 2022
 HYPEHYPE dataset from Sasso et al., 2020
Algorithm algorithm used for BP estimation
 Classical MLclassical machine learning techniques such as multiple linear regression, decision trees, random forest
 Physiological Modelmodel derived from physiological principles such as Windkessel, Moens-Korteweg
 Deep Learningdeep learning techniques such as convolutional neural networks, long term short term memory, recurrent neural networks
 proprietaryalgorithm is not available to the public
Number of Test Subjects number of subjects used to test the model. does not include subjects used to train the model. sometimes computed from given train-test-split percentages and total number of subjects.
Testing Subject Characteristics whether testing subjects are healthy or have medical issues
 healthytesting subjects are specified as “healthy” or have no reported medical issues
 diseasedtesting subjects have medical issues such as hypertension or are ICU/hospital patients
SBP STD Systolic Blood Pressure Standard Deviation of Error in mmHg
DBP STD Diastolic Blood Pressure Standard Deviation of Error in mmHg
BP Distribution SBP STD Systolic Blood Pressure Standard Deviation of subject used in study in mmHg. If no testing subject BP distribution is given, the provided BP distribution of the whole dataset is used.
BP Distribution DBP STD Dystolic Blood Pressure Standard Deviation of subject used in study in mmHg. If no testing subject BP distribution is given, the provided BP distribution of the whole dataset is used.
Time between Calibration and Test the time between calibration step and test step for personalization studies.
Keywords nouns from extracted data using NLTK

Exclusion Reason Key

record level split without personalizationmodel was built with data leakage
irrelevantarticle was not relevant to BP estimation
reviewarticle was a review article
no reported MAE/MEBP estimation article did not report MAE or ME
no experiment on humansBP estimation study was not done on humans
abstractarticle was an abstract
did not report both SBP and DBP resultsBP estimation study did not report both SBP and DBP results
arm cuffarticle evaluated cuff based device
not wearablearticle evaluated relationship between data from non-wearable device and SBP/DBP (i.e. genes, weight)
oscillometryarticle evaluated oscillometric device
patentarticle was patent
not in englisharticle was not in english
duplicatearticle had another entry
inaccessiblearticle was inaccessible (i.e. retracted, dead link)
proposalarticle was proposal (i.e. study proposal)
cannot determine calibration typearticle did not provide sufficient detail about calibration technique
posterarticle was poster
meta-studyarticle combined multiple studies together to evaluate accuracy
replyarticle was a response article